Monday, October 28, 2019

Let Me Walk You Through The Pedestrian

     The perspective in how people see things before and now are so different. Now all you see is people being on a electronic device, playing games having fun, before there were people who just had fun playing outside. Technology is what is mostly used now, even younger kids have the use of technology not only for school or anything school associated but for the use of social media.

      The tone in this short story is very quiet and lonely due to only one character being introduced. In the story it said that the character Leonard Mead lived alone, enjoyed his time alone going on long walks and had no jobs. Although Leonard Mead was described as a man who was passionate about enjoying his late night walks alone and he also had a different perspective in how he saw the world. This also makes me feel or think that due technology people will be lonely and will depend more on the technology then going out and having fun with friends. Adding to that it’s also sad to say people let technology take over there life.

     Bradbury’s tone is also filled with anger because he got stopped by a police for no reason. It showed us that what those policeman were doing was wrong because they are just arresting an innocent man. I have a feeling the message he is wanting to give us is that we need to stand up for ourselves when we need to or when we are being out down for things we weren’t capable of causing or doing. This story was basically about a single character with no humans around him.
     The main point/ plot of this story is that Leonard Mead is the guy who randomly has late night walks. The way Mead reacted about the police car shows how not everyone has the same point of view that a person sees thing being done. If a different behavior is being used that obviously the outcome would have came out differently maybe more aggressive. He then realized what the use of technology has done, it has made people depend more on the technology. If nothing is being done to remove it or prevent it then best believe it will worsen.

     Overall, the tone of this story does not change through the story. Technology has a big impact in today’s society. It makes either have a good access to it or not because it stops you from having interactions with people, use of technology has you basically on social media. The use of technology is overpowering the community. For others taking a walk late night can be scary but for Mead it is just something he does daily. Our generation has gone from enjoy a beautiful day outside to just being stuck up on your electronic device.

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